Backend (.env)

OpenCEX Backend settings are located here:


In order for the settings to be applied, it is enough to restart the containers, for this you need to run the commands:

cd /app/opencex/backend
docker compose restart
Variable name Description Default
PROJECT_NAME Give your project a name Opencex
ADMIN_USER Email address of the Superuser created on deployment
FEE_USER Email address of the user to which all the fees would be collected
ADMIN_BASE_URL URL suffix for admin panel
ADMIN_MASTERPASS Second password for sensitive operations in the admin panel
DOMAIN The domain on which OpenCEX is deployed.
INSTANCE_NAME Instance name :)
('xxx_prod', 'xxx_dev', ...) opencex
RECAPTCHA_SECRET Google reCAPTCHA (server part, secret key)
CAPTCHA_ALLOWED_IP_MASK IP mask when CAPTCHA is not used (for internal services, such as bots) 172.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}
TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID Telegram chat ID used for other notifications.
TELEGRAM_ALERTS_CHAT_ID Telegram chat ID used for notifications: cryptocurrency collection monitoring, worker monitoring.
BTC_SAFE_ADDR Cold BTC address to which cryptocurrency deposits will be collected.
ETH_SAFE_ADDR Cold ETH address to which cryptocurrency deposits will be collected.
BNB_SAFE_ADDR Cold BNB address to which cryptocurrency deposits will be collected.
TRX_SAFE_ADDR Cold TRX address to which cryptocurrency deposits will be collected.
INFURA_API_KEY Credentials to Infura (used for requests on the ETH network)
INFURA_API_SECRET Credentials to Infura (used for requests on the ETH network)
ETHERSCAN_KEY Credentials to Etherscan (used for requests on the ETH network)
BSCSCAN_KEY Credentials to BSCscan (used for requests on the BNB network)
TRONGRID_API_KEY Credentials to Trongrid (used for requests on the TRX network)
EMAIL_HOST Credentials to SMTP server, Host name.
EMAIL_HOST_USER Credentials to SMTP server. User name.
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD Credentials to SMTP server. Password.
EMAIL_PORT Credentials to SMTP server. Port 465 or 587 is mostly used
EMAIL_USE_TLS Credentials to SMTP server. Use TLS. True
SUMSUB_SECRET_KEY KYC provider credentials (SUMSUB)
SUMSUB_APP_TOKEN KYC provider credentials (SUMSUB)
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID SMS service credentials (TWILIO). Account SID. none
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN SMS service credentials (TWILIO). Token. none
TWILIO_VERIFY_SID SMS service credentials (TWILIO). SID. none
TWILIO_PHONE SMS service credentials (TWILIO). Phone number. none
SENTRY_DSN Project key in Sentry - used for logs. none


OpenCEX Frontend settings are located here:


In order for the settings to be applied, you need to rebuild the image, for this you need to run the commands:

cd /app/opencex/frontend/
git pull
docker build -t frontend -f deploy/Dockerfile .
cd /app/opencex/
docker compose up -d --force-recreate
Variable name Description Default
recaptcha_site_key Google reCAPTCHA (client part, site key).
two_fa Prefix for storing keys in Google Authenticator. OpenCEX-2FA-[email]
project_title Your exchange name, also used in the <title> tag. OpenCEX
socials Links to social networks, channels
logo The path to your logo, if not specified, the default is used.

Static pages

OpenCEX static pages (landing page) settings are located here:


In order for the settings to be applied, you need to rebuild the image, for this you need to run the commands:

cd /app/opencex/nuxt/
git pull
docker build -t nuxt -f deploy/Dockerfile .  
cd /app/opencex  
docker compose up -d --force-recreate
Variable name Description Default
project_title Your exchange name, also used in the <title> tag. OpenCEX
socials Links to social networks, channels